
Glass microfibers are commonly used as biomolecule adsorption media, as structural or disposable components of the optical biosensors. While any improvement in these components are appreciated, utilizing basic tools of traditional approaches may lead to original sensor opportunities as simple, functional designs that can be easily disseminated. Following this pursuit, surface modification of glass microfiber paper surface was performed by 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) and resulting improvement in the cell entrapment capacity could be observed visually, only after Gram staining. Gram staining offered rapid validation of enhanced binding on the glass surface. The same APTES-modified samples were also tested for binding of complementary DNA sequences and the results were less straightforward due to the necessity of DNA visualization by using a fluorescent stain, YOYO-1. Accordingly, when there were no surface modification, DNA and YOYO-1 adsorbed readily on the glass microfiber filter paper, and prolonged the interaction between DNA and YOYO-1. YOYO-1 adsorption on glass could be recognized from the color profile of YOYO-1 emission. This phenomenon can be used to examine suitability of APTES coverage on glass surfaces since YOYO-1 emission can be distinguished by its glass adsorbed versus DNA-bound forms. Aptness of surface coverage is vital to biosensor studies in the sense that it is preceding the forthcoming surface modifications and its precision is imperative for attaining the anticipated interaction kinetics of the surface-immobilized species. The proposed testing scheme offered in this study secures the work, which is aimed to be carried out utilizing such sensing systems and device components.

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