
The present study was carried out to determine the prevalence and description of parasites infecting cattle egret(B. ibis)in Kafr El-Sheikh governorate.Theobtainedresultsshowed that the overall prevalence of theparasiticfaunaamongcattleegretwas87.3%andthemost prevalent species was Nematodes followed by Digenetic trematodes and finally the ectoparasitic one(lice)with their infection rates of 74.64%,67.60% and 42.25%, respectively. Also seven species of parasites (3 species of digenetic trematodes, 3 species of nematodes and one species of lice) were recovered from this study. The recordeddigenetic trematodeswasApharyngostrigeaibis(35.2%),Nephrostomum ramosum (18.3%) and Apatemon gracilis(14.1%), while the recovered nematodes were Synhimantus invaginatus (53.5%), Porrocaecum wui (12.7%) and Heterocheilus sp.(8.5%). The latter species was recorded for the first time in cattle egret, while the detected ectoparasitic one was Menaca-nthus stramineus. The morphological description of the detected parasites was completely studied and discussed.

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