Effects of the extract from the rabbit kidney were investigated on the blood pressure of the hypertensive rabbits produced by constriction of the main renal artery (Goldblatt's hypertension). The extract was prepared from kidney tissue homggenate using saline or acetone and was administered intravenously. The following results were obtained.1) The saline extract of normal renal medulla was likely to prevent the development of Goldblatt's hypertension.2) The saline extract of normal renal medulla showed the action of reducing the blood pressure of Goldblatt's hypertensive rabbits to or near the normal level.3) The saline extract of the liver or spleen homogenate did not alter the blood pressure of Gcldblatt's hypertensive rabbits.4) The saline extract of normal medulla did not affect the blood pressure of normal rabbits.5) The onset of antipressor action was slow and its duration was long after the injection of saline extract of normal renal medulla.6) The body temperature and renal function of the rabbits were little influenced by the administration of the saline extract of normal renal medulla.7) The acetone extract of both renal cortex and medulla of the normal rabbits also exhibited an antipressor action. The effect of medullar extract was more potent and prolonged than that of cortical one.8) The antipressor action of the extract of Goldblatt's kidney was less marked than that of normal one.9) The acetone extract of both renal cortex and medulla of normal rabbits exhibited not only an antipressor action of long duration but also produced a transient fall in blood pressure of normotensive and hypertensive rabbits.10) The possible role of renal antipressor substances extracted by both physiological saline and acid acetone solution was discussed with referrence to the renal hypertension.
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