
This paper presents the thermal properties of highly crosslinked di(methacryloyloxymethyl)naphthalene–divinylbenzene (DMN–DVB) copolymeric microspheres containing polar groups in the structure and their alkyl-bonded derivatives. C8 and C18 alkyl chains were introduced into the aromatic rings of the DMN–DVB porous copolymer by means of the Friedel–Crafts reaction. As a source of C8 and C18 alkyl chains, octyl and octadecyl chlorides were used. It was necessary to check whether the introduction of alkyl chains into the structure of polymeric packing had an impact on its thermal properties. The studies were carried out by thermogravimetry coupled online with FTIR spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry in inert atmosphere (helium). It was stated that the modified materials showed 20 and 50% mass losses at higher temperatures than the non-modified one while 1% mass loss was observed at lower temperatures. Moreover, an analysis of volatile decomposition products was performed.

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