
The object of research is the created biosorption complex preparation for cleaning oil-contaminated sandy soils. Cleaning of soils contaminated with oil and oil products has particularities, because of the large adsorption capacity, the soil accumulates a pollutant. One of the most problematic is the method of cleaning sandy soils with poor biocenosis from old oil contamination. A promising area in the purification of soils from oil pollution is the use of microbiological technologies. The use of special microbial drugs can accelerate the oil. destructionю Existing drugs have their own peculiarities of application and disadvantages. They lose destructive activity over time and are not very effective in eliminating old oil contamination with high concentration. The biosorbent complex (biosorbent) based on the ecological matrix sorbent of light color and immobilized on its surface of active microorganisms-destructors of petroleum of natural origin makes possible to purify light sandy soils from old concentrated contaminants. The introduction of aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms into the biosorbent composition allows the biodegradation of oil both on the surface under aerobic conditions and in depth. Immobilized on the sorption material, microorganisms have a great destructive potential. Immobilization preserves the viability of microorganism cells and significantly increases the effect of their use. Optimal parameters of obtaining an oleophilic sorption matrix from various types of raw materials and obtaining microbial biomass with high destructive activity to oil hydrocarbons are established. The operational characteristics of the obtained light-colored bioactive adsorbents based on moss and glauconite, technological features and techniques for their use in the purification of sandy soils have been studied. The studies show the change in the concentration of oil contamination of sandy soil from 30–40 % to 1–5 % of oil in the process of biodegradation after 140 days. Conducted tests of light-colored biosorbent at the industrial site of the tank farm during cleaning of sandy areas with obsolete oil pollution showed a cleaning efficiency of up to 90 %.


  • Oil is a complex and persistent pollutant

  • The biosorbent has an advantage over other sorbents – the treatment of the oil stain with biosorbent blocks its further spread, which allows collecting more than 90 % of this pollutant, since petroleum products are a food for microorganisms, while a stain treated with a simple sorbent can spread further after saturation of the sorbent with oil products

  • After grinding the material of the sorbent – glauconite of the necessary fractional composition, the material enters the hopper for further processing

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Hydrocarbons of oil are available for assimilation only specialized bacteria Such selectivity in relation to oil formed the basis for bacterial methods of neutralizing oil pollution. Biosorbents, built based on adsorption material with immobilized oiloxidizing bacteria, are able to localize and destroy oil products. The process of oil biodegradation takes place both on the surface under aerobic conditions and in depth, that is, under microaerophilic conditions. This effect is achieved by introducing aerobic and anaerobic oil-oxidizing bacteria into the composition of biosorbents. Creation and study of bioactive sorption complexes, which absorbed the mobile pollutant (oil) and had a destructive ability for oil, for specific sandy soils, is topical

The object of research and its technological audit
The aim and objectives of research
Research of existing solutions of the problem
Methods of research
Research results
Conclusions a b
SWOT analysis of research results
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