
Zivicova, Z., J. Gasperik. J. Lesko, F. Golais: Studies of Some Biological alld Physicochemical Properties of Herpes simplex Virus Type 2 Growth Factor (HSGF-2). Acta vet. Brno 1998,67: 159-165. Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV -2) growth factor (HSGF-2) consists of three components. and HSGF-2c components have an ability to transform cultured cells ill I'itro, whereas the HSGF-2B component changes the transformed phenotype towards the normal one. For production of functional HSGF-2, glucose and Ca~+ ions are required. The replacement of glucose by some other monosaccharides, or the presence of three cytostatics in the medium of HSGF-2 producing MK-2 cell intluenced both the biological activity and the component characteristics of HSGF-2. Heating. low pH. or UV light elevated the transforming. but not the transformed phenotype repressing activity ofHSGF-2. Heparin destroyed the suppressing effect on transformed phenotype. without any intluence on transforming activity of HSGF-2. All presented results are compared with similar or different results obtained with pseudorabies virus growth factor (PRGF). Herpes simplex I'irus type 2 growth factor. monosaccharides. cytostatics. compollent character. treatment by heat. pH. UV light. heparin

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