
Air conditioning is strongly influenced by Refrigerant. R.22 refrigerant is currently still widely used with high level of electric power consumption. The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of types of refrigerant to the electric power consumption of AC by measuring the electric power requirement of each Refrigerant (R.22, R.410, R.32, EnggasM60 and Isceon MO99). The results showed that R.410 uses 335 Watt with the total cost of Rp 42,210 / month, R.32 uses 328 Watt power with the total cost of Rp 41.328 / month, R.22 uses 271 Watt power with theotal cost of Rp 34.146 / month, Huffin M60 uses 262 Watt power with the total cost of Rp 33.012 / month. While Isceon M099 requires 262 Watt with the total cost of Rp 33.012 / month at the temperature of 24,4 ° C.


  • Air conditioning is strongly influenced by Refrigerant

  • The results showed that R.410 uses 335 Watt with the total cost of Rp 42,210 / month, R.32 uses 328 Watt power with the total cost of Rp 41.328 / month, R.22 uses 271 Watt power with theotal cost of Rp 34.146 / month, Huffin M60 uses 262 Watt power with the total cost of Rp 33.012 / month

  • Perhitungan Beban Pendingin Pada Perancangan Sistem Tata Udara

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Penyegaran Udara

Penyegaran udara adalah suatu proses mendinginkan udara sehingga dapat mencapai temperatur dan kelembaban yang sesuai dengan yang dipersyaratkan terhadap kondisi udara dari suatu ruangan tertentu. Penyegaran udara juga berfungsi untuk mengatur aliran udara dan kebersihannya. Sistem penyegaran udara pada umumnya dibagi menjadi dua golongan utama, yaitu:

Prinsip Kerja AC Split
Perhitungan Daya Listrik
Cara pengukuran Dan Cara Pengambilan Data
Analisa Data
Hasil Pengukuran
Hasil Perhitungan
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