
feasibility study is a material for consideration in making a decision, accepting or rejecting a planned business idea. To determine whether or not a business is feasible, it can be seen from various aspects and must have a certain standard of value. This study aims to determine and explain the level of business feasibility of MSMEs on delicious mpok by nasikoe dishes when viewed from the perspective of Islamic economics from marketing and production aspects. To reveal these problems, the author uses a qualitative approach with interview, observation, and documentation techniques in accordance with the problems studied. From the research results show the feasibility level of micro, small and medium enterprises in terms of the perspective of Islamic economics on the aspects of marketing and production. Judging from the marketing aspect of MSMEs, the delicious mpok by nasikoe cuisine is in accordance with a business feasibility study from an Islamic economic perspective, it is in accordance with what it should be. Judging from the aspect of MSME production, the delicious mpok by nasikoe is in accordance with a business feasibility study in terms of an Islamic economic perspective. The MSME business that Yuyun has run in accordance with Islamic production and production theory, when she is about to open a business, Yuyun has done an analysis related to business location, waste disposal, business licenses and sources of raw materials to be used. And Ibu Yuyun has applied values in Islamic production, which are always shiddiq, amanah, fathanah, tabligh, and istiqamah. So Ms. Yuyun's MSME business is in accordance with the marketing aspect and the production aspect is reviewed from an Islamic economic perspective, and the business has implemented a business feasibility study, although not yet in full.

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