
This study aims to determine the effect of students worksheets of 7E learning cycle on activities and understanding the concept of excretion systems at MAN 1 Jepara. The research method used was pre-experimental design with one shot case study. Population of this research was all the students of XI class at MAN 1 Jepara with the samples were XI MIPA 2 and XI MIPA 3 which were taken by purposive sampling. Research data in the form of student activities taken with an observation sheet and understanding the concepts taken with a test. Student activity data were analyzed descriptively quantitatively while understanding the concepts was analyzed by Wilcoxon and N-gain. The results of the study show that the average activity value of XI MIPA 2 students is 88.99% and XI MIPA 3 is 88.63% with the criteria of both classes were very high. The average results of conceptual understanding of students of class XI MIPA 2 is 78.67 with classical completeness is 87.18% while class XI MIPA 3 is 81.73 with classical completeness of 91.89%. The results of the analysis using the Wilcoxon show that the sig value. 0,000<0,05, means that there are significant differences between the results of the pretest before the application of student worksheet based on 7E learning cycle and posttest results after the application of student worksheet based on 7E learning cycle. The results of the N-gain test showed an increase in understanding of concepts in class XI MIPA 2 and XI MIPA 3 of 0.565 and 0.588 with medium criteria. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that learning using the students worksheet based on 7E learning cycle influences the activity and understanding of the excretion system concept of the XI grade students of MAN 1 Jepara.


  • This study aims to determine the effect of students worksheets of 7E learning cycle on activities and understanding the concept of excretion systems at MAN 1 Jepara

  • Material of excretion systems in humans are biological material that is concrete but for the process can not be directly sensed, because the study covers the physiological processes that occur in human body

  • The excretory system material in humans is quite complicated because in it is discussed the structure of the organs that play a role in the excretion system as well as the metabolic processes in the body that will be excreted by the excretion organs so that it requires a deeper understanding

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Material of excretion systems in humans are biological material that is concrete but for the process can not be directly sensed, because the study covers the physiological processes that occur in human body. There are a number of things that can cause physiological material to be considered as a difficult material, namely the characteristics of the biological material being studied, how the teacher teaches the material that has not made it easier for students to understand the concepts and initial knowledge of students who will study the material (Widarti et al, 2013). Learning excretion systems in high school have basic competency demands, namely KD 3.9 Analyze the relationship between network structures that make up organs in the excretion system in relation to bioprocesses and functional disturbances that occur in the human excretion system and KD.4.9 display the result of analysis the effect of lifestyle toward organ structure and organs function that cause interference with the excretory system and its connection with technology. The use of good and effective learning media will give maximum results to student learning outcomes (Wena, 2008)

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