
Function is a concept that is very much related to daily life. Likewise with the concept of mapping. The purpose of this study is to describe students’ understanding of the concept of function and mapping by students who are at a high level (ie extended-trans level). The student is the subject of this study. This research is exploring the ability of research subjects. The research subjects were taken from mathematics education students at Bengkulu University. We selected one subject of research, Mg. Student was interviewed in depth about the concept of function. Data were analyzed based on genetic decomposition. The results of this study are that students are able to present an overview of the concept of function with a broad extension level. The function from the set A to B is the set f whose members are sequential pairs of the two cross-sets of non-empty sets A and B such that (a, b) and (a, b ′) elements of f then b = b′. Also able to make a simplification in the form of mapping definition, which states that the domain of function f is the set A. The conclusion of this study is that high-level students have an in-depth understanding of the concept of function. He is able to compile extensive extensions. Also, make the exact simulations.

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