
The present study aims to study the University of Sharjah students’ perceptions and attitudes about the use of YouTube in learning French language. It also attempts to shed light on the UOS students’ preferred types of YouTube videos and their usefulness in learning French language. A purposive questionnaire was designed and sent out to 69 undergraduate students from different disciplines who were enrolled in the French language course. The findings of this study showed that there is a significant trend in the overall use of YouTube for French language learning by the UOS students from different disciplines, constituting 64% of the respondents. The study also demonstrated that videos available on YouTube can be useful for language learning purposes. 49% of the respondents reported improvement in their French language skills (Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation) and 57% of the respondents believed that YouTube videos enable them to complete study tasks more quickly. Videos of Automobiles, pets & animals, sports and news were among the most preferred categories of videos watched by the respondents.

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