
warehouse (DWH) is a collection of databases consisting of cleaned and transformed data, integrated into subjective business areas for improved decision making. Many business organizations are enhancing their decision making capabilities using data warehouse as Decision Support System (DSS). For a company, data warehouse environment is very helpful in selecting right candidate at right time for the right job. For fresh college graduate/post graduate student's selection, integrated view across all aspects of students is essential. Data warehouse is the right choice to provide this integrated view with essential facts. Data warehouse environment effectively integrates information in an integrated repository, which can facilitate student-job mapping easier. Due to lack of sophisticated and effective DSS, many educational institutes are unable to showcase quality students to the industry. Human resource (HR) managers are finding difficulty in searching right college for procuring skillful students for the job. The current paper highlights the use of data warehouse with student information in E-Governance system. The current objective of this paper includes, designing data warehouse with multidimensional model within E-Governance architecture.

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