
Since the use of computers in business world, data collection has become one of the most important issues due to the available knowledge in the data; such data has been stored in database. Database system was developed which led to the evolvement of hierarchical and relational database followed by Standard Query Language (SQL). As data size increases, the need for more control and information retrieval increase. These increases lead to the development of data mining systems and data warehouses. This paper focuses on the use of data warehouse as a supporting tool in decision making. We to study the effectiveness of data warehouse techniques in the sense of time and flexibility in our case study (Manpower Employment). The study will conclude with a comparison of traditional relational database and the use of data warehouse. The fundamental role of data warehouse is to provide data for supporting decision-making process. Data in data warehouse environment is multidimensional data store. We can simply say that data warehouse is a process not a product, for assembling and managing data from various sources for the purpose of gaining a single detailed view of part or all an establishment. The data warehouse concept has changed the nature of decision support system, by adding new benefits for improving and expanding the scope, accuracy, and accessibility of data. The warehouse is the link between the application and raw data, which is scattered in separate database but now is unified. The objectives of this work are to study the impact of using data warehouse on Manpower Employment Decision Support System, in the sense as far as the data quality concern. We will focus on the benefits gained from using data warehouse, and why it is more powerful than the use of traditional databases in decision making. The case study will be the Libyan national manpower employment agency. The data warehouse will collect database scattered from different sources in Libya in order to compare the performance and time.

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