
Even in the present time there are many of those in- stitution where the students record are been registered manually either to track hold of their information, to track their attendance or to check their actual presence . But these records are kept in the form of register basically a mere paper representation and then they are collected or registered to the data store if present. In these situations, there are likely to have some mismatch of the entry ,time consuming and tiresome to do, data loss even worst a proxy registration. With vast improvements in the face recognition technologies and algorithmic technique we can overcome this problem by combining these field with NFC cards. The NFC cards with unique id provided with each card, we are linking the students records such that the work in the manual process is reduced and each time a card is placed on the device it asks for user authentication reducing the proxy registration or mismatch entries. By collecting the students facial features as for the authentication purpose Haar-cascade , LBPH methodology is used to get better facial feature for recognition combined with Adaboost enhancing its efficiency and at last having a reliable storage using MySQL connector. With the Tkinter pacakage we can easily register the students required details by creating a GUI such that even a layman can register the details without any efforts.

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