
An evaluative project was undertaken at the University of Wolverhampton centring on the Hub and Spoke model utilised for organisation of placement allocation across the BNurs programme for all fields of nursing. Student experience was of particular interest throughout the evaluation with the research team focusing on the views, feelings and experiences of student nurses in relation to the hub and spoke model applied for practice.A qualitative approach was adopted, initially using Survey Monkey to collect student views through a series of open questions, and further enhanced by focus groups. These were transcribed and together with the data from the surveys, data was categorized and themed. Themes were analysed and conclusions drawn.The hub and spoke method for placements was found to enhance student understanding of the whole patient journey which offered students a wide breadth of experience and development of transferable skills such as communication and adaptability. A sense of increased belonging was highlighted by students which encouraged the development of strong effective relationships positively affecting their learning. Some less positive aspects were apparent revolving around personality difficulties and organisational problems, in particular relating to spoke placements. The purpose of spoke placements was not always apparent and sometimes there was a lack of appropriate student placement experiences provided by spoke mentors. Overall the hub and spoke model for organising placement was found to be beneficial and enhanced the student's experience, satisfaction and learning, which in turn had a positive effect on practice.

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