
Aim. the research was to determine the manifestation of the influence of individual components of the corn crop structure on the formation of grain yield under the influence of weather conditions and fertilization systems. Methods. The research was carried out in a long-term stationary experiment of the Department of Agrochemistry and Soil Science of the Uman National University of Horticulture on podzolized heavy loam chernozem. The mass of 1000 grains was determined according to DSTU 4138-2000. Analysis of the structure of the harvest according to the "Methodology of the state variety testing of agricultural crops". Results. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that the yield of corn increased by 25–39 % under the mineral fertilization system, 25–53 % organic, and 28–59 % organic-mineral, depending on the doses of fertilizers. The dependences of the fertilization system on the indicators of the structure of the corn crop are clarified and those that change the most under the influence of the factors of intensification of the cultivation technology are singled out. Under the influence of fertilizer, the biometric parameters of the cob increased by 4–10 %, and the number of grain rows increased by 0,3–1,7 pieces. The variability of these signs was weak (V = 5 %). The number of grains in a cob significantly increased under the influence of fertilizer– by 5–20 % with the average variability of the trait – V=11 %. The mass of grain from the cob varied reliably depending on weather conditions and fertilizer doses in the range from 100,9 to 226,2 g with a very high coefficient of variation – 25,3 %. Conclusions. Correlational dependences were revealed and a strong closeness between structure indicators and corn grain yield was established. It was established that the correlation coefficient between grain yield and cob length was r = 0,94, the number of grain rows – r = 0,84, and the weight of grain from one cob – r = 0,99. The obtained data can be used to optimize the fertilization system and the structure of corn crops in the Right Bank Forest Steppe depending on weather conditions.

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