
Structure functions in ep → e + X are directly obtained by using Wilson’s short-distance expansion and the conformal covariant light-cone expansion. It is shown that Bjorken scaling is broken in general due to the existence of anomalous dimensions in the expansions. It is also shown that the Drell-Yan-West relation does not hold because of the anomalous dimension. The method is applied to e+e− → h + X and the one-particle distribution is calculated to give \(s(d\sigma /d\omega )\xrightarrow[{\omega \to 1}]{}(1 - \omega )^{2l_{\pi - 3} } \), wherelπ is the dimension of the pion field.lπ is determined to belπ=2.5 from the experimental data of e+e− → π + X.

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