
Statistical properties of forced two-dimensional turbulence generated in two different flow domains are investigated by numerical simulations. The considered geometries are the square domain and the periodic channel domain, both bounded by lateral no-slip sidewalls. The focus is on the direct enstrophy cascade range and how the statistical properties change in the presence of no-slip boundaries. The scaling exponents of the velocity and the vorticity structure functions are compared to the classical Kraichnan-Batchelor-Leith (KBL) theory, which assumes isotropy, homogeneity, and self-similarity for turbulence scales between the forcing and dissipation scale. Our investigation reveals that in the interior of the flow domain, turbulence can be considered statistically isotropic and locally homogeneous for the enstrophy cascade range, but it is weakly intermittent. However, the scaling of the vorticity structure function indicates a steeper slope for the energy spectrum than the KBL theory predicts. Near the walls the turbulence is strongly anisotropic at all flow scales.

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