The area between the villages of Reka in the Idrijca Valley, Bukovo and Zakriž near Cerkno belongs geographically and geotectonically to the Dinarides. The area consists of two large inner thrust blocks of the Trnovo nappe, which were thrusted for tens of kilometers in the direction of SW to their present position. They are overlain by the Tolmin nappe, the lowest thrust unit of the Southern Alps. The Tolmin nappe was thrusted from N to S and consists of two inner thrust blocks and a smaller intermediate inner sheet. In the western part of the area the contact between Southern Alps and the Dinarides runs along the regional Sovodenj fault. Although the rocks in the considered thrust units are about the same age, different stratigraphic settings could be recognized. The lithostratigraphic features of the Ladinian-Lower Carnian Pseudizilian beds are particularly striking. Succession of clastic and carbonate rocks was deposited in deep-marine Slovenian basin. In both the Trnovo and Tolmin nappe, Pseudozilian beds occur in the lithologically characteristic sequences but, in the Tolmin nappe, they are developed in a much greater thickness than in the Trnovo nappe and pass continuously upwards into Amphyclina beds, while in the Trnovo nappe, on the other hand, the succession of Pseudozilian beds is much thinner and is overlain by the platform Cordevol dolomite.
Na ozemlju med vasjo Reka v dolini Idrijce ter vasema Bukovo in Jesenica pod Kojco (1303 m) v zahodni Sloveniji se stikata Trnovski in Tolminski pokrov (Placer, 1981; Placer & Čar, 1997; Placer, 1999; Demšar, 2016)
Based on the detailed structural mapping, we studied the contact between Southern Alps and the Dinarides in the Cerkno region between the villages of Bukovo and Zakriž
The area of the Dinarides is built of the Trnovo nappe (TP)
Structural setting at the contact of the Southern Alps and Dinarides in western Cerkljansko region (western Slovenia). Ključne besede: narivna zgradba, Trnovski pokrov, Tolminski pokrov, stik Južnih Alp in Dinaridov, Slovenski bazen, trias, psevdoziljske plasti. Gradijo ga kamnine dveh obsežnih narivnih enot Trnovskega pokrova, ki so bile za več deset kilometrov narinjene od severovzhoda proti jugozahodu v današnjo lego. Preko njih so narinjene kamnine Tolminskega pokrova, ki je na obravnavanem ozemlju najnižja narivna enota Južnih Alp. Pokrov sestavljajo dve notranji narivni grudi in vmesna narivna luska. Narivne enote so bile narinjene od severa proti jugu. V zahodnem delu obravnavanega območja stik med Južnimi Alpami in Dinaridi poteka ob Sovodenjskem prelomu. Da so kamnine v obravnavanih narivnih enotah približno enake starosti, lahko prepoznamo dva različna stratigrafska razvoja. Posebej izstopa problematika razvoja ladinijsko-spodnjekarnijskih psevdoziljskih plasti, to je zaporedja klastičnih in karbonatnih kamnin, ki se je odložilo v globljemorskem okolju Slovenskega bazena. Tako v Trnovskem kot tudi v Tolminskem pokrovu najdemo psevdoziljske plasti razvite v podobnem, litološko značilnem zaporedju, a so v Tolminskem pokrovu razvite v precej večji debelini kot v Trnovskem pokrovu in navzgor zvezno prehajajo v amfiklinske plasti, medtem ko je debelina psevdoziljskih plasti v Trnovskem pokrovu precej manjša, v normalnem zaporedju pa na njih leži platformni cordevolski dolomit
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