
The high-entropy alloy (HEA) of Al - Co - Cr - Fe - Ni system of nonequiatomic composition is obtained by the technology of wire-arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) in atmosphere of pure nitrogen. By the methods of modern physical materials science it is shown that in the initial state the alloy has dendritic structure indicating nonhomogeneous distribution of alloying elements. It is a multiphase material whose main phases are Al3NCr3C2 , (Ni, Co)3Al4 . Nonadimensional particles (Ni, Co)3Al4 of cubic shape are located along interfaces of submicron phases Al3Ni and Cr3C2 . The HEA irradiation by pulsed electron beams with energy density Es = 10 + 30 J/cm2, pulse duration of 50 is, frequency of 3 Hz and pulse number of 3 leads to high-velocity melting and subsequent crystallization of surface layer. If Es = 10 J/cm2, no failure of dendritic crystallization structure happens. Interdendritic spaces are enriched in chemical elements Al, Ni and Fe, and dendrites themselves - in chromium atoms. The most liquating element of the alloy is Al, the least one is Co. If Es = 20 J/cm2, a nanocrystalline structure is formed in the layer 15 inn thick in bulk of grains. Size of crystallization cells amounts to 100 - 200 nm, size of inclusions in cell junctions is 20 - 25 nm, and along cell boundaries it is 10 - 15 nm. Cells of high-velocity crystallization are enriched in Al and Ni. The Co atoms are homogeneously distributed along the surface layer volume. The most liquating element is Cr, the least liquating one is Co. The increase in energy density of electron beam to 30 J/cm2 doesn't lead to substantial (as compared to Es = 20 J/cm2 ) variations in surface layer structure. The irradiation mode (Es = 20 J/cm2, 50 is, 3 pulses, 0.3 Hz) is detected that allows formation of the surface layer with the highest level of homogeneity of chemical element distribution in the alloy.


  • The high-entropy alloy (HEA) of Al – Co – Cr – Fe – Ni system of nonequiatomic composition is obtained by the technology of wire-arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) in atmosphere of pure nitrogen

  • Nonadimensional particles (Ni, Co)3Al4 of cubic shape are located along interfaces of submicron phases Al3Ni and Cr3C2

  • Interdendritic spaces are enriched in chemical elements Al, Ni and Fe, and dendrites themselves – in chromium atoms

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Материаловедение Material science

Ключевые слова: высокоэнтропийный сплав, проволочно-дуговое аддитивное производство, импульсный электронный пучок, структура, фазовый и элементный состав. Финансирование: Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке гранта РНФ No 20-19-00452. Для цитирования: Иванов Ю.Ф., Громов В.Е., Коновалов С.В., Шлярова Ю.А., Воробьев С.В. Структурно-фазовые изменения высокоэнтропийного сплава при облучении импульсным электронным пучком // Известия вузов.

Материал и методика исследования
Результаты исследования и обсуждение
Results of elemental analysis of foil sections
Список литературы References
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