The purpose of this study was to identify the structural and functional features of the postnatal development of the organs of the immune system of the offspring obtained under conditions of experimental hypothyroidism of pregnant women in the mother. The experiments were carried out on rat pups obtained from healthy females and obtained from females with experimental hypothyroidism. Studies have shown that maternal hypothyroidism leads to a disruption in the process of postnatal growth and formation of the immune system organs in offspring, the morphological manifestation of which is a decrease in the areas of the thymus cortex and T-dependent zones of the lymph nodes and spleen compared to the control, a decrease in proliferative activity and an increase in apoptosis T -lymphocytes both in the thymus and in T-dependent zones of peripheral immune organs. The mechanism of disturbances in the postnatal development of immune organs is based on an imbalance between the processes of apoptosis and proliferation of lymphoid cells, caused by a deficiency of thyroid hormones in the mother.
The mechanism of disturbances in the postnatal development of immune organs is based on an imbalance between the processes of apoptosis and proliferation of lymphoid cells, caused by a deficiency of thyroid hormones in the mother
Постнатальный онтогенез периферических органов иммунной системы у потомства, полученного от матери с гипотиреозом во время беременности//Морфология.-2020.-157, No2-3.-стр.12
The mechanism of disturbances in the postnatal development of immune organs is based on an imbalance between the processes of apoptosis and proliferation of lymphoid cells, caused by a deficiency of thyroid hormones in the mother. СТРУКТУРНЫЕ МЕХАНИЗМЫ НАРУШЕНИЙ ПОСТНАТАЛЬНОГО МОРФОГЕНЕЗА ОРГАНОВ ИММУННОЙ СИСТЕМЫ ПОТОМСТВА, РОЖДЕННОГО В УСЛОВИЯХ ТИРОИДНОЙ ГИПОФУНКЦИИ У МАТЕРИ Аннотация: Целью данного гипотиреоз, потомство, постнатальный исследования явилось выявление онтогенез, тимус, лимфатические узлы, структурно-функциональных селезенка особенностей постнатального развития органов иммунной системы потомства, полученного в условиях экспериментальногогипотиреоза беременных у матери. Исследования показали, что материнский гипотиреоз приводит к нарушению процесса постнатального роста и становления органов иммунной системы у потомства, морфологическим проявлением которого являются уменьшение по сравнению с контролем площадей корковой зоны тимуса и Т-
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