
The polyacetylenic lipids falcarinol, falcarindiol, and associated derivatives, termed falcarins, have a widespread taxonomical distribution in the plant kingdom and have received increasing interest for their demonstrated health-promoting properties as anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory agents. These fatty acid-derived compounds are also linked to plant pathogen resistance through their potent antimicrobial properties. Falcarin-type polyacetylenes, which contain two conjugated triple bonds, are derived from structural modifications of the common fatty acid oleic acid. In the past half century, much progress has been made in understanding the structural diversity of falcarins in the plant kingdom, whereas limited progress has been made on elucidating falcarin function in plant-pathogen interactions. More recently, an understanding of the biosynthetic machinery underlying falcarin biosynthesis has emerged. This review provides a concise summary of the current state of knowledge on falcarin structural diversity, biosynthesis, and plant defense properties. We also present major unanswered questions about falcarin biosynthesis and function.

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