
The article clarifies the meaning and features of word-formation development of new words and terms to denote the cultural and artistic field, which appeared in the modern Ukrainian literary language at the beginning of the XXI century and due to linguistic and extralinguistic factors are widely used. The object of research are words and terms of the cultural and artistic sphere, as they are best able to nominate concepts in special vocabulary, to reflect the diversity of the semantic spectrum of the conceptual sphere of «culture and art». The subject of research is lexical-semantic, structural-word-forming and spelling features of words and terms of cultural and artistic sphere in the Ukrainian language. Scientific novelty of the research. The classification of neolexes by semantic criterion is offered. The place of innovations in the lexical structure of the Ukrainian language is determined, the main stages of adaptation and structural and semantic features of words and terms to denote the cultural and artistic branch are characterized; the factors of creation of neolexes and their inclusion in the lexical-semantic system of the Ukrainian language, which supplement the corresponding lexical-semantic group with new tokens, are clarified; factors of word-forming activity of neolexes are revealed; It is proved that one of the reasons for the problem of qualification and spelling of neolexes with creative bases-Englishisms is the lack of mastery of innovations by the grammatical system of the Ukrainian language. The existing achievements of linguists in the field of studying innovative derivatives are analyzed, it is stated that the issue of the dynamics of the language system is always at the center of current linguistic research. Innovative words and terms of the cultural and artistic sphere of the beginning of the XXI century in the language of mass media, Internet forums and in dictionaries of neologisms of the modern Ukrainian language are revealed, globalization tendencies in their use are testified. The main thematic groups of neolexes for the designation of the cultural and artistic sphere are singled out, structural and semantic innovations and productivity of their use are determined. It is proved that one of the reasons for the problem of qualification and spelling of neolexes with creative bases-Englishisms is the lack of mastery of innovations by the grammatical system of the Ukrainian language.

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