
In this report, we grow MnCr2O4 (124) films, and Mn2CrO4 (214) films, for comparison, on MgO and SrTiO3 (STO) substrates by oxygen-plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy and also carry out the measurements of the magnetization as a function of temperature (5–200 K) and external field (0–5 T) of these films. The results of magnetization versus temperature further show that ferrimagnetic transition (Tc) occurs at 44 K for 214 films grown on both MgO and STO. The Tc of 124 films raises to 45 K but is only observed for the film grown on STO. No or very weak magnetization is observed for the 124 films grown on MgO(001). The vanishing of the magnetization of the 124 films grown on MgO is attributed to the instability of spinel structure for Cr-rich films. Magnetic hysteresis curves of the films further show the magnetization saturation (Ms) of 124 is <1/2 bohr magneton, which is noticeably smaller than the bulk Ms ~ 1 bohr magneton. The reduction of Ms in these chromites films may result from the cation distribution in that Cr cations distribute in both A and B sites, which is different from the bulk materials. The distribution of Cr cations in both A and B is attributed to the low temperature growth and similar results have been found in previous growth of various ferrite films.

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