
Directional sexual selection drives the evolution of traits that are most closely linked to reproductive success, giving rise to trait exaggeration and sexual dimorphism. Exaggerated structures are often costly and, therefore, thought to be expressed in a condition-dependent manner. Sexual selection theory thus predicts a direct link between directional sexual selection, sexual dimorphism, and sex-specific condition dependence. However, only a handful of studies investigate the relationship between sexual dimorphism and condition dependence. Using 21 genetic lines of Drosophila prolongata, we here compared the degree of sexual dimorphism and sex-specific condition dependence, measured as allometric slopes, in sexually selected and non-sexual traits. Our data revealed male-biased sexual dimorphism in all traits examined, most prominently in the sexually selected forelegs. However, there was no relationship between the degree of sex-specific condition dependence and sexual dimorphism across traits and genetic lines. Our results contradict theoretical predictions and highlight the importance of understanding the role of exaggerated traits in the context of both sexual and natural selection.

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