
Lorentz symmetry is one of the cornerstones of modern physics. However, a number of theories aiming at unifying gravity with the other fundamental interactions including string field theory suggest violation of Lorentz symmetry [1-4]. While the energy scale of such strongly Lorentz symmetry-violating physics is much higher than that currently attainable by particle accelerators, Lorentz violation may nevertheless be detectable via precision measurements at low energies [2]. Here, we carry out a systematic theoretical investigation of the sensitivity of a wide range of atomic systems to violation of local Lorentz invariance (LLI). Aim of these studies is to identify which atom shows the biggest promise to detect violation of Lorentz symmetry. We identify the Yb+ ion as an ideal system with high sensitivity as well as excellent experimental controllability. By applying quantum information inspired technology to Yb+, we expect tests of LLI violating physics in the electron-photon sector to reach levels of $10^{-23}$, five orders of magnitude more sensitive than the current best bounds [5-7]. Most importantly, the projected sensitivity of $10^{-23}$ for the Yb+ ion tests will allow for the first time to probe whether Lorentz violation is minimally suppressed at low energies for photons and electrons.

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