
Attempts to explore and explain the basic nature of human beings in terms of development can be traced back far beyond the origin of modern psychology. The ancient Indian scriptures are, in fact, full of psychological knowledge in all aspects with much deep-rooted and sound philosophical background. Many have made attempts to translate this ancient knowledge into a form acceptable to modern psychology. But still much of the ancient spiritual literature has to be studied and interpreted to uncover many hidden psychological concepts that are much deeper in meaning as well as relevance than what Western psychology has gifted to the world in this modern time. The ancient Indian scriptures, philosophical literature, astrological–astronomical literature and medical literature, in essence, are the reservoir of the knowledge concerning human nature and holistic development. Literary exposition towards development can be found in Indian philosophical systems such as Vaises. ika, Nyaya, Sāmkhya, Yoga, Mīmāmsā, Vedānta and the medical systems given by Charaka and Suśruta. The present article is an attempt to review the Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali in the strict psychological sense so that it could be helpful in re-establishing guidelines not only for all-round healthy development but to strive beyond—for kaivalya.

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