
The article presents data hematol ohichnyh performance blood of ducks in critical periods of postnatal ontogenesis 2, 14, 21, 45, 90, 150, and 240 days of life, which are accordingly related to the full use of the yolk, intensive development of the digestive system and muscular tissue, change of fluff to the primary feather, juvenile molt, the beginning of the oviposition, the formation of the reproductive system and glands of the internal secretion, the continuation of the oviposition and the molt, which is accompanied by the complete renewal of the fine and medium feathers. Blood plays an important role in maintaining homeostasis , and studies of hematological parameters make it possible to assess the intensity of redox processes in tissues and organs, and studies of hematological parameters make it possible to estimate the intensity of redox processes in tissues and organs, namely the need for oxygen in connection with the physico-chemical and biochemical processes that occur in the body in the process of growth and development. They are dynamic and change with different factors faster than performance. The purpose of the study was to determine the dynamics of morphological parameters of duck blood during the critical periods of postnatal ontogeny . Research subject clinically healthy young Beijing duck meat breed performance direction. Changes in hematological parameters of ducks' blood reflect a picture of the impact of critical periods of ontogeny on ducks, characterized by 2 days of life, the numerical values of erythrocytes (2.45 ± 0.11 T/l) and the concentration of hemoglobin (102.90 ± 3.51 g/l), but the value of hematocrit was in the lower levels of physiological norms. While the leukocyte count of 31.20 ± 1.76 was close to the 240-day age, indicating high bird immunity after hatching , more likely to come from the use of yolk. In the study bird on the 14th day recorded an increase in the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes by 10.6 and 14.7%, hematocrit by 10.3% against a decrease in hemoglobin concentration by 12.8% (P < 0.05). At 21 days, the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin concentration decreased by 8.2%, while hematocrit and leukocyte values ​​approached the initial state of the experiment, amounting to 26.45 ± 2.40%, 32.06 ± 2.93 G/L. The presence of basophils in this age period indicates the launch of a chain of immune responses, indicating the formation of the immune system according to A. Malyukin. (2010). At day 45, erythrocytes and hemoglobin concentrations were reduced by 10.2% and 11.3% (P < 0.05), compared to the baseline period. During this period, hematocrit increased by 12.7%, which indicated an increase in blood cells in the ducts. Results at 90 days indicated a decrease in erythrocyte count by 14.3% (P < 0.05) and hemoglobin concentration by 11.8% (P < 0.05), while leukocyte count and hematocrit increased by 26.1 and 22.1% (P < 0.05) compared with ducklings of 2 days of age. In ducklings at 150 days of age, the erythrocyte count and hemoglobin concentration were close to the baseline, and the leukocyte count and hematocrit were increased by 19.6 and 39.3%, respectively (P < 0.05). At 240 days of ducklings life, an increase in the oxygen-transport system of blood was established in the form of an increase in the number of erythrocytes by 35.1% (P < 0.01), hemoglobin concentration by 28.7% (P < 0.01), hematocrit value by 50, 8% (P < 0.01) compared to 2-days of ducklings life, and the number of leukocytes was close to baseline, indicating a decrease in the reactivity of the organism.


  • Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv, The article presents data hematol ohichnyh performance blood of ducks in critical periods of postnatal ontogenesis 2, 14, 21, 45, 90, 150, and 240 days of life, which are related to the full use of the yolk, intensive development of the digestive system and muscular tissue, change of fluff to the primary

  • Changes in hematological parameters of ducks' blood reflect a picture of the impact of critical periods of ontogeny on ducks, characterized by 2 days of life, the numerical values of erythrocytes (2.45 ± 0.11 T/l) and the concentration of hemoglobin (102.90 ± 3.51 g/l), but the value of hematocrit was in the lower levels of physiological norms

  • In the study bird on the 14th day recorded an increase in the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes by 10.6 and 14.7%, hematocrit by

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At 240 days of ducklings life, an increase in the oxygen-transport system of blood was established in the form of an increase in the number of erythrocytes by 35.1% (P < 0.01), hemoglobin concentration by 28.7% (P < 0.01), hematocrit value by 50, 8% (P < 0.01) compared to 2-days of ducklings life, and the number of leukocytes was close to baseline, indicating a decrease in the reactivity of the organism. На 240 добу життя каченят встановлено підвищення киснево-транспортної системи крові у вигляді зростання кількості еритроцитів на 35,1% (Р < 0,01), концентрації гемоглобіну на 28,7% (Р < 0,01), величини гематокриту на 50,8% (Р < 0,01) порівняно з 2-добовими каченятами, а кількість лейкоцитів наближалось до вихідного стану, що свідчило про зниження реактивності організму. У зв’язку з цим, дослідження гематологічних особливостей функціонування організму пекінських качок, ми можем аналізувати формування їх реактивності

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