
When the rectal temperature of group-housed mice is measured sequentially, the temperature of the last measured mouse is higher than that of the first mouse. This phenomenon is called stress-induced hyperthermia (SIH). We varied several experimental parameters to elucidate the mechanism behind this SIH. SIH was stable and found by all technicians performing the experiments. The large intertechnician difference in the mean rectal temperature could be eliminated by training in an identical fixation and handling technique. SIH was both independent of the number of handling days preceding the experiment and of the number of disturbances (0, 1, 2, or 5) implied on the mice per minute. The percentage of hyperthermic mice in 10-mice cages increased when the time interval between the individual measurements increased from 1 to 2, 5 or 10 min. In all groups the maximum increase was reached after an interval of approximately 10 min. SIH of mouse 10 returned time dependently in approximately 60 min to basal temperature. When SIH was tested on 2 or 5 successive days no tolerance developed. When animals were reused after 7 or 14 days SIH did not differ from day 1, implying that animals can be reused. When the number of mice was decreased from 10 to 5 mice per cage, the SIH of vehicle-treated mice was slightly lower in 5-mice cages compared to 10-mice cages. The blocking effects on SIH by anxiolytics was also less clear in 5-mice cages compared to 10-mice cages. Stress-induced rise in rectal temperature is a robust, reproducible, and stable phenomenon excellently suited for measuring anxiolytic activity of compounds.

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