The advancement of the design of the Advanced Lead-cooled Fast Reactor European Demonstrator (ALFRED) beyond the conceptual phase, passes through the analysis of the impact of uncertainties, notably to what concerns safety-related conditions. Compliancy of plant safety to Design Extension Conditions is, according to IAEA and in line with the meaning itself of these beyond-design conditions, usually investigated by best estimates only. Due however to the demonstration nature of ALFRED, it was decided to assess the actual safety performances of this system even in ultimate conditions. To this regard, the emphasis was put on unprotected events like the UTOP (unprotected transient of over-power) and ULOOP (unprotected loss of offsite power, resulting from the combination of a loss of flow and loss of heat sink under unprotected conditions), pinpointed as the most challenging situations sought for the plant. The purpose of the present work, which has been divided in three parts, was then to assess the ultimate ALFRED safety margins against failure of the key core components and systems (Part III). To target this objective, the evaluation of uncertainties coming, on one hand, from nuclear data was performed at first, to retrieve their impact on the reactivity coefficients, thereby on the transient behavior driven by the latter (Part I); then, uncertainties from material properties, fabrication procedures, operation and measurement, and computational tools were propagated to assess their influence on the thermal-hydraulics of the system (Part II). In this work the efforts of Parts I and II are merged together and the effect of uncertainties on safety margins and salient parameters assessed. The retrieved uncertainties are propagated to the expected number of pins experiencing fuel melting during an UTOP and to the clad time-to-failure during an ULOOP. The former has been found to be quite affected by uncertainties, but still under limits not directly posing hazards to the people and the environment, even when extremely conservative assumptions are put forward; the latter shows a milder response to uncertainties, but always guaranteeing more than an order of magnitude of safety margin relative to WENRA recommendations.
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