
Abstract Objectives A growing body of research has already demonstrated the link between self-compassion and improved affective well-being and mental health. Initial findings have indicated that effective stress processing might be a mechanism underlying the beneficial effects of self-compassion on mental health outcomes. However, studies are still quite limited as they have mostly been cross-sectional and often included specific samples only. Thus, this research examines perceived stress and coping as two key mechanisms underlying the relation between self-compassion and affective well-being longitudinally in two different samples. Method In two longitudinal studies with three measurement waves each, we assessed self-compassion, perceived stress, engagement and disengagement coping, and affective well-being. Study 1 analyzed a student sample (n = 684) across 12 weeks. Study 2 followed a population-based sample (n = 2934) across a 4-month period. Results Cross-lagged panel analyses indicated that perceived stress mediated the link between self-compassion and affective well-being in both longitudinal studies. Engagement coping responses mediated this link in Study 2. Disengagement coping responses did not act as mediators in both studies. Conclusions Our work helps to better understand the processes underlying the link between self-compassion and well-being. Self-compassion might facilitate effective stress responses in terms of less perceived stress and more salutary coping responses, which in turn might help to enhance affective well-being. Preregistration All hypotheses were preregistered (as well as design, and analyses for the second Study) online at the Open Science Framework before starting with data collection (see preregistration at: https://osf.io/fhm9q/?view_only=577dd62d2f5548d59ccf703ee1d0d0a6).

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