
In a joint of dissimilar materials with an internal interface corner under thermal and mechanical loading, the stresses near the corner can be described by an analytical form with two or three singular stress terms and a regular stress term. The stress exponents ω k , the angular functions f ijk ( θ) and the regular stress term σ 0 can be determined analytically. The corresponding stress intensity factors K k for real and complex eigenvalues have been obtained by means of the stress analysis of the joint with the finite element method (FEM). For various geometries and material combinations the general behaviour of the stress exponents ω k and the stress intensity factors K k are given. It can be seen that the behaviour of the stress intensity factor for mechanical loading is much simpler than that for thermal loading. It is shown that the stress field near the corner is not dominated by one parameter, e.g. the stress exponent or the stress intensity factor.

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