
The tourism of Bali was hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. The cessation of tourism activities has an impact on weakening the competence of trained tourism human resources, which has led to a decrease in competitiveness. As a result, it is difficult for Bali’s tourism industry to restart its activities immediately. The situation is not only detrimental to the tourism industry in Bali, but also has a negative impact on the resilience of Indonesian tourism as a whole. The main goal of Bali’s economic recovery program is to prepare its economy so that its growth can accelerate at the end of the Covid-19 pandemic and return to its pre-pandemic level by 2024. The recovery of the tourism sector also means the recovery of Bali’s economy. Although not yet optimal, tourism actors at the moment must prepare themselves to capture the momentum of tourism opening and global tourism trends, including new normal conditions, so that Bali can compete with other tourism destinations in the world. Therefore, a strategy is needed to improve the resilience of tourism actors from the supply side towards the transformation of Bali’s economy which is targeted to create higher economic growth in the long term at 7.7 percent by 2045.

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