
The possibility of using "KM-pasting" connections in the form of a composite material based on epoxy matrix and fiberglass to restore the operational life and strengthening of wooden structures with damages, or when increasing the loads acting on them is considered. The arrangement of the connection and requirements to materials are presented, peculiarities of its operation when strengthening and restoring wooden structures are shown. The calculation method and strength characteristics of the “KM-pasting” connection, the design requirements for ensuring its working condition are presented; coefficients of operation conditions for the calculation of wooden bending elements of the composite section are given. Strengthening with the use of "KM-pasting" connections can be performed both in local areas and along the entire length of the structure. In addition, the reinforcement can be carried out directly on the objects while maintaining the design position of the structure. Examples of strengthening of wooden structures in the intermediate floors and coating at the objects of Moscow, including those related to the monuments of architecture, history and culture are presented. The effectiveness of the use of KM-connections for the restoration and strengthening of wooden structures is confirmed by fifteen years of experience in the trouble-free operation of wooden structures reinforced by the method of "KM-pasting".

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