
The intention of this paper is to analyze the parameters that should be considered to strengthen management skills through the use of qualitative tools such as the survey and the interview to develop a project of activities and workshops in order to improve the organizational climate of the teachers of the Liceo Naval de Guayaquil. The review of scientific articles on educational management skills, leadership, organizational behavior in search engines such as Google Scholar, Dialnet, among others, was used for this purpose. The main result of the observation instruments was that both the degree of confidence in the management skills of the rector and the existence of a good organizational climate in the institution are efficient and effective. However, there was evidence of a lack of training and workshops for teachers. Finally, it is concluded that when the authority understands the importance of collecting information from his predecessor, making it the basis of his management, allowing his teachers to empower themselves in the educational context, the school will become a more effective and efficient organization. Through the trust he generates and the processes he carries out correctly; then he will certainly get the teaching staff to work in a true esprit de corps.

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