
The Gothic churches in Zolná and Horné Jaseno are among the medieval rural sacral buildings in two nearby regions – in Zvolen Hollow Basin and Turiec Hollow Basin, which are often considered to be architectural or art historian circles regions. The architecture of both churches remained somewhat in the shadow of their wall paintings or the problems of monument restoration. The research so far records the basic architectural contexts as well as the fact that they are characterized by certain common features. However, a deeper analysis is lacking and the dating of both buildings is ambiguous, ranging from the second half of the 13th century to the beginning of the 14th century. The church in Zolná is indeed one of the valuable examples of medieval sacral buildings, for which we have available written sources illuminating their origin. Paradoxically, however, this does not make the interpretation of architecture easier, but puts us in front of a methodological problem, whether we prefer the statement of building forms or documents. The purpose of the following post is a more detailed analysis of this problem.

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