
This article explains how one academic library met greater demand than ever before by streamlining the room reservation process for both patrons and staff and implementing an events calendar and other tools to make library happenings more visible. Like many academic libraries, the College of Charleston’s main library, Addlestone Library, contains a mix of spaces used by students, faculty, and staff from across campus, and library faculty and staff. The library had used LibCal, the popular library room booking software from Springshare, to efficiently manage study rooms and other patron-forward library spaces since 2013. Spaces reserved primarily by library staffers were booked using legacy Outlook calendars, a system that had become increasingly difficult to manage. By thoughtfully reorganizing the library’s LibCal Spaces module, the library incorporated all reservable library spaces into a single platform and streamlined the room booking process for all users. The project reduced staff time spent managing room bookings and setups, made it easier for staff to find information about what is going on in the library, and facilitated the relaunch of an events calendar on the library website.

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