
In modern realities, hotel enterprises operate in conditions of uncertainty, which is associated with rapid changes in the market environment. In order for the hotel business to be able to survive and implement their services in the long run, it is necessary to effectively implement the process of strategic management. Properly chosen development strategy will allow hotel companies to determine the priority of certain services that will be provided in certain specific situations.
 The strategic development of hotel enterprises in conditions of uncertainty is currently a topical issue, because despite the similarity of common approaches, each company creates a unique combination of basic and functional strategies.
 Given the crisis in the national economy and the current socio-political problems, it is necessary to formulate its own development strategy, which will take into account the patterns of market economy, the impact of external and internal factors of the market environment and work effectively to reduce risks.
 The market of hotel and restaurant services is not homogeneous and sufficiently studied, is subject to changes in the crisis of economic development, which actualizes the use of marketing tools to achieve efficiency of producers of hotel and restaurant services in an unstable market environment. The starting point in defining and using the modern concept of marketing is the idea of ​​human needs and wants (physical needs and needs for food, clothing, warmth, security; social needs and needs for knowledge and self-expression). People's needs are limitless, but resources to meet them are limited. Therefore, the consumer will choose the services that give him the greatest satisfaction within his capabilities.

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