
Spatial-temporal flexibility of the actin filament network (F-actin) is essential for all basic cellular functions and is governed by a stochastic dynamic model. In this model, actin filaments that randomly polymerise from a pool of free actin are bundled with other filaments and severed by ADF/cofilin. The fate of the severed fragments is not known. It has been proposed that the fragments are disassembled and the monomeric actin recycled for the polymerisation of new filaments. Here, we have generated tobacco cell lines and Arabidopsis plants expressing the actin marker Lifeact to address the mechanisms of F-actin reorganisation in vivo. We found that F-actin is more dynamic in isotropically expanding cells and that the density of the network changes with a periodicity of 70 seconds. The depolymerisation rate, but not the polymerisation rate, of F-actin increases when microtubules are destabilised. New filaments can be assembled from shorter free cytoplasmic fragments, from the products of F-actin severing and by polymerisation from the ends of extant filaments. Thus, remodelling of F-actin might not require bulk depolymerisation of the entire network, but could occur via severing and end-joining of existing polymers.

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