
Strategic risk management in financial institutions is a critical component for ensuring robust regulatory compliance and maintaining financial stability. This review explores the multifaceted nature of strategic risk management and its importance in the dynamic regulatory landscape of the financial sector. It delves into the fundamental components of risk management, including risk identification, assessment, mitigation, and monitoring, highlighting how these processes help institutions navigate the complexities of regulatory requirements. The discussion encompasses various types of risks faced by financial institutions, such as credit, market, operational, liquidity, and compliance risks, illustrating the need for comprehensive risk management frameworks. The review also reviews key regulatory frameworks, including Basel III, the Dodd-Frank Act, and guidelines from the European Banking Authority, emphasizing their impact on capital requirements, liquidity standards, and governance expectations. A robust risk management framework integrates compliance efforts with business strategy, ensuring that institutions are not only adhering to regulatory mandates but also aligning their risk appetite and tolerance with their strategic objectives. The role of technology, particularly in data analytics, real-time risk monitoring, and cybersecurity, is examined as a crucial enabler for effective risk management and compliance. Best practices for enhancing regulatory compliance are outlined, including continuous monitoring, regular audits, and scenario analysis. Challenges such as evolving regulations, financial product complexity, and globalization are addressed, with recommendations for adaptive strategies and industry collaboration. Through case studies, the review provides insights into successful risk management implementations and lessons learned from compliance failures. The review underscores the importance of strategic risk management in fortifying regulatory compliance and suggests future trends, such as advanced AI and machine learning, which could further revolutionize the approach to risk management in financial institutions. Keywords: Strategic Risk, Financial Institution, Regulatory, Compliance

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