
Based on Government Regulation No 79 of 2014 about National Energy Policy that the Indonesian government is committed to developing a renewable energy mix of 23% in 2025 however its utilization in 2019 is only 3%, these condition encourage the efforts of the Garut government to commit to developing renewable energy by utilizing domestic waste into electricity. To implement, the government of Garut is supported by private industries from South Korea and Japan. The purpose of this study is to design a partnership strategy so this project can give benefit for both parties by mapping the role of each stakeholder and analysing the impact of this project on the surrounding community. The survey was conducted by collecting secondary data from Department of Environment, Hygiene and Landscaping and Central Bureau of Statistics of Garut and conducting interviews with related parties. The results of the study indicate that the limitations of technology by government can be transfer by the involvement of the private sector from South Korean and Japanese investors as operation management. A model of partnership strategy can help to realize the project that can increase the use of renewable energy in Indonesia.

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