
The agro-industrial complex [AIC] is a highly structured system representing the unity of environmental, social, and economic components, acting as a subsystem of the regional economy. The development of the AIC occurs in conjunction with regional development goals and objectives, improving the quality of life (without detriment to local goals and objectives) and governing food security through mainly idiopathic causes. The problems of socio-economic development in various regions of Russia, including the Sakhalin Region, are expected to be resolved through the implementation of the Federal Law “On the Territories of Rapid Socio-Economic Development in the Russian Federation” (December 24, 2014 No. 473-FZ). Despite significant natural resource potential, the region experiences problems in food self-sufficiency and quality of life. The solution of existing problems predetermined research on the justification of the strategy (by its stages), the development of methodological support (environmental policy), and tools (net accumulation of region’s AIC) of the strategic management of the regional AIC.

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