
This manuscript proposes Strategic Improved K-Means Clustering to simplify blood donor data analysis and distribution. The technique optimizes blood donor system resources via K-Means++ initialization, hierarchical clustering, and smart data dissemination. The paper begins with a comprehensive overview of clustering techniques and their healthcare applications. It illustrates the need for contemporary blood donor data analysis methods for cluster quality and resource allocation. Cluster purity, silhouette coefficient, Davies-Bould in the index, and other performance indicators are used to rigorously compare the recommended technique to 10 established clustering methods. The approach routinely fulfils these conditions, proving that it creates accurate, well-fitting groupings. Ablation tests how much-enhanced initialization, hierarchical clustering, and strategic data placement improve the entire. The study found that these make the procedure dependable and successful for numerous sorts of data. The study shows that the approach may be applied to other data besides blood donor data. Hierarchical clustering provides important information about the dataset's hierarchical patterns, making clustering findings easier to grasp. Resources are better distributed with strategic data dissemination. The recommended strategy is effective in emergencies and areas with changing blood needs. To conclude, Strategic Improved K-Means Clustering evaluates and distributes blood donor data comprehensively. Its flexibility, adaptability, and speed make it excellent for managing healthcare resources and making collective choices …

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