
The article considers strategic directions of ensuring legal reform in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war and post-war reconstruction of the state. Emphasis is placed on the need to make systemic changes to the legislation of Ukraine on human rights, local self-government, administrative and territorial organization, democracy, parliamentarism, justice, national security and defense. The scale of the changes that national legislation must undergo, their content and form, objectively require comprehensive legal reform in Ukraine. The main strategic directions of ensuring the legal reform of Ukraine are highlighted: 1) improvement of the legislative support of the human rights system, the reality and effectiveness of guarantees for their implementation and protection; 2) strengthening the foundations of Ukrainian unitarism, protection of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine; 3) strengthening the protection of Ukrainian statehood, legislative support of national security as the most important function of the state, the affairs of the entire Ukrainian people; 4) ensuring and guaranteeing the decisive role of the Ukrainian people in the constitution and functioning of all forms of public power; 5) increasing the role and place of the judiciary in ensuring the functioning of the state and civil society; 6) decentralization and functioning of real local self-government; 7) raising the level of awareness in the field of human rights, development of the system of legal education, including improving the system of legal education and science. Key words: legal reform, strategy, Constitution, law, political system, legal system, rule of law

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