Topicality. The growing urgency of the problem of productivity of entrepreneurial activity increasing today is substantiated by the fact that in the world due to the paradigm of sustainable development a new direction is formed - the use of innovative sources of economic growth, with full support for productive innovative entrepreneurial activity. According to the fact that Ukraine is also on the path of innovative economic development, in recent years a number of legal documents have been adopted in order to promote comprehensive employment, high labor costs, accumulation of human and social capital, development of entrepreneurial activity, strengthening middle class, raising social standards and guarantees. However, there is still no systematic view on how to solve the problem of the productivity increasing ofentrepreneurial activity, which is the basis for sustainable innovative development of any country. Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to determine the strategic directions of business productivity in Ukraine within the state regulation of the business environment, which requires the following tasks: to explore trends and identify key issues of business productivity, which will identify strategic areas of business productivity, which should be considered as a means of solving existing problems. Research results. A comparative analysis of the economic productivity of the EU, the USA, Japan and Ukraine has shown that there is a common tendency for all countries of its reduction, which caused by the factor of deindustrialization. The study of business productivity in Ukraine that is expressed as gross value added at constant prices revealed that the indicator "sales per 1 employee" does not give an idea of the real productivity of enterprises, because this indicator is the result of activity of scope of enterprises, namely � of the company itself and its suppliers. In this case, the further the company in the technological chain, the greater sales volume is and the less this indicator reflects the real productivity of the enterprise. The relatively high productivity of domestic enterprises at value added is actually offset by the high costs of enterprises from other operating and other ordinary activities (especially under the COVID-19 pandemic influence and as a result from other emergencies) and, as a result, profitability from all activities of enterprises is low. It is revealed that the technological gap between Ukraine and developed countries is deepening every year, which requires formation of an innovative model of high-tech development. This, in turn, requires stimulating of the development of industrial sector, especially processing and manufacturing branches, as a basis for creating of high-tech jobs, increasing productivity and as the locomotive of growth for other sectors of the economy. It is proved that in order to increase the productivity of entrepreneurship, a comprehensive mutually agreed improvement of the state tax, credit-financial, scientific-technological, personnel, social policy and restoration of the state industrial policy is urgently needed. A system of strategic directions for increasing of the productivity of entrepreneurial activity has been developed, the criterion for the implementation of which is the growth of value added from its implementation at the level of not less than 5% per year. Conclusion. The article proves that achieving of productivity growth of entrepreneurial activity in our country is possible due to the formation of favorable conditions through the introduction of organizational and economic instruments of financial and credit, tax, scientific and technological, personnel, social, industrial policy for state support of business structures capable of producing knowledge-intensive products with a high content of added value, creating of an appropriate investment climate, ensuring the reduction of Ukraine's technological gap comparing with countries- technological leaders, which is necessary for its integration into the global economic space on a parity basis. Indicators of such a favorable environment can be the following: the formation of the optimal level of tax burden on business structures; formation of the optimal level of availability of borrowed funds for business structures; growth of the share of industrial business structures that implement technological innovations; growth in the number of introduced new technological processes and innovative products; reducing of share of the depreciated fixed assets on industrial enterprises.
Обробної, як основи створення високотехнологічних робочих місць, підвищення продуктивності та локомотиву розвитку інших галузей економіки країни
The growing urgency of the problem of productivity of entrepreneurial activity increasing today is substantiated by the fact that in the world due to the paradigm of sustainable development a new direction is formed the use of innovative sources of economic growth, with full support for productive innovative entrepreneurial activity
The purpose of the article is to determine the strategic directions of business productivity in Ukraine within the state regulation of the business environment, which requires the following tasks: to explore trends and identify key issues of business productivity, which will identify strategic areas of business productivity, which should be considered as a means of solving existing problems
Обробної, як основи створення високотехнологічних робочих місць, підвищення продуктивності та локомотиву розвитку інших галузей економіки країни. У статті доведено, що досягнення підвищення продуктивності підприємницької діяльності у нашій країні можливе завдяки формуванню сприятливих умов за допомогою впровадження організаційноекономічних інструментів фінансово-кредитної, податкової, науково-технологічної, кадрової, соціальної, промислової політики щодо державної підтримки підприємницьких структур, спроможних виробляти наукоємну продукцію з високим вмістом доданої вартості, створенню відповідного інвестиційного клімату, забезпеченню скорочення технологічного відставання України від країн-технологічних лідерів, що є необхідним для її інтеграції в глобальний економічний простір на паритетних засадах. The study of business productivity in Ukraine that is expressed as gross value added at constant prices revealed that the indicator "sales per 1 employee" does not give an idea of the real productivity of enterprises, because this indicator is the result of activity of scope of enterprises, namely – of the company itself and its suppliers In this case, the further the company in the technological chain, the greater sales volume is and the less this indicator reflects the real productivity of the enterprise. A system of strategic directions for increasing of the productivity of entrepreneurial activity has been developed, the criterion for the implementation of which is the growth of value added from its implementation at the level of not less than 5% per year
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