
The purpose of the article is to determine the place of strategic communications in the conceptual apparatus of administrative law as a special type of interaction between executive authorities and other state bodies.The article focuses on the fact that the radical reform of the security and defense sector of Ukraine in accordance with the North Atlantic standards necessitates the development and legalization of new means and methods of pub-lic administration for national practice. These, in particular, include strategic communications, which is a type of interaction between the subjects of public relations. 
 The article substantiates that strategic communications are inherently a type of information interaction, the sub-jects of which strive to achieve their goals with the help of an arsenal of special means, the most important of which is the strategic narrative. Not all aspects of strategic communications are governed by legal regulations. A complex set of means of information impact can cause consequences that cannot be objectively categorized (in particular, emotional-volitional consequences). At the same time, the organizational and regulatory aspects of strategic com-munications are unambiguously covered by the methodological apparatus of legal science.The article establishes that, in terms of content, strategic communications is a special type of information inter-action between executive authorities and other entities related to the security and defense sector.It has been proved that strategic communications as a special type of interaction between the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and other state bodies are information interaction regulated by the norms of law and conditioned by the rights and obligations of these entities, aimed at achieving their goals. Legal regulation of the goals of strategic com-munications is carried out at the level of national strategies, doctrines and concepts adopted to ensure the defense capability of our state. In terms of the organization of strategic communications and the legal status of its subjects, relations are indicated refer to the subject of legal science. Psychological, sociological, political, economic, military aspects of strategic communications belong to the subject of study of the relevant sciences.It was determined that the directions of further scientific research should take into account the need for a more complete legalization of strategic communications in legislative acts regulating the legal status of subjects of the security and defense sector.

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