
Key Malaysian real estate industry trends influence fast-growing SME IPG Asset Solutions Sdn Bhd. Because lockdowns affected international trade, supply lines, corporate norms, and entire industries, the COVID-19 pandemic caused an economic disaster. To reduce social, economic, and environmental risks, IPG Asset Solutions should adapt to market changes. Industry growth requires planning. The real estate company will address stakeholder needs and pandemic impacts on real estate markets after COVID-19. The method involves recognizing the change, analyzing its impact, helping people embrace change, defining a vision, and preparing for change. Change leaders, training tools, and employee participation are needed to prepare for resistance. Kurt Lewin’s Change Model helped the real estate business develop and assess change management strategies and tools. IPG Asset Solutions Sdn Bhd provides top-notch marketing solutions using quality control. IPG Asset Solutions’ quality control comprises customer satisfaction, business image, customer perceptions, client management, corporate culture, and motivation. Pareto analysis and process control charts manage quality. Customers, employees, processes, and financial performance assess the SME’s quality control. The assessment’s flaws suggest a quality control program based on quality design and continual quality improvement. Quality control is offline and statistical. Service design begins with offline control techniques to optimize settings, reduce negative consequences, save money, and improve quality. Online control charts must determine statistical control. Statistical process control guides service delivery. Execution and implementation identify successful CSFs. Management should also assess the new system’s need, cost-benefit, resources, and skills. The quality assurance team will check all procedures and suggest changes to enhance quality.

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