
The research was conducted in Jatikesuma village, Namorambe subdistrict, Deli Serdang district. The aim is to describe what the teacher's role is in the development of students. By conducting interviews with students and educators in the surrounding environment. In this research, the aim is to create closeness between students and educators. By carrying out extracurricular program activities or holding competitions with the involvement of educators. And likewise, observations and interviews were carried out on each individual to find out the role of the teacher towards students. The data is presented and processed and presented using analytical methods. This research shows that all activities held in each school are directing, training, guiding, shaping students in a better direction, in order to create a more advanced generation. The reason why students cannot be directed, trained, formed and so on is because there are many obstacles, such as lack of education from parents and a bad environment.

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