
Literary works are works of art that are expressed through the author's feelings, thoughts and experiences. One type of literary work is a novel. A novel can be studied psychologically, which is called literary psychology. This research is considered important because it relates to human behavior. The title of this research is the self-protection mechanism of the character Zee in the novel Insecure by Seplia. The problem in this research is the self-defense mechanism of the character Zee in the novel Insecure by Seplia. The purpose of this writing is to describe and analyze a person's background, attitudes and experiences which ultimately form a self-defense mechanism. The data source for this research is the novel entitled Insecure by Seplia, published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2016. This research uses descriptive methods. The descriptive method is intended to describe and critically analyze text data in the novel. The results of this research is that the character Zee uses 5 self-defense mechanisms: denial, repression, avoidance, focus and projection. And what is often used is the self-defense mechanism of denial and avoidance.

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