
The aims of this study are (a) to analyze the stakeholder social network analysis to determine the livelihood strategies of the farming-fisherman communities in coastal villages in Werinama District; (b) to identify livelihood strategies for farming and fishing communities in the coastal village of Werinama District; and (c) to identify the factors that influence the livelihood strategies of coastal farming communities and fishermen in Werinama District. This study uses two types of research methods, namely social networks and descriptive statistical analysis techniques. The results of the study indicate that the livelihood strategies for the farming-fisherman community in the villages of Werinama District, which are the focus of this research area, are carried out individually (by households) and collectively (by groups). Individual (household) livelihood strategies in dealing with climate change are especially important in the target villages of this research, which have multiple activities such as sago, ambal, salted fish, and others. Then he changed jobs and changed the consumption habits of the village people. Meanwhile, collectively, or in groups, the farmer-fisherman community manages the processing of agricultural and fishery products in groups. Keywords: strategy, coastal communities, climate change Penelitian ini bertujuan adalah (a) menganalisis Social Network Analysis Stakeholder untuk menenntukan strategi penghidupan masyarakat petani-nelayan desa - desa pesisir di Kecamatan Werinama; (b) mengidentifikasi strategi penghidupan masyarakat petani dan nelayan di desa pesisir Kecamatan Werinama; (c) Mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi strategi penghidupan masyarakat petani pesisir dan nelayan di Kecamatan Werinama. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua jenis metode penelitian yaitu social network dan teknik analisis statistik deskriptif. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa strategi penghidupan masyarakat petani-nelayan di desa-desa Kecamatan Werinama yang menjadi fokus wilayah penelitian ini dilaksanakan secara individu (rumah tangga) dan kolektif (kelompok). Strategi penghidupan individu (rumah tangga) dalam menghadapi perubahan iklim, khususnya desa-desa sasaran tujuan penelitian ini yang memiliki multi kegiatan seperti kondisi seperti sagu, ambal, ikan asin dan lain-lain. Kemudian ia berganti pekerjaan dan mengubah kebiasaan konsumsi masyarakat desa. Sedangkan secara kolektif atau kelompok yaitu komunitas petani-nelayan mengelola pengolahan hasil pertanian dan perikanan secara berkelompok. Kata kunci: Strategi, masyarakat pesisir, perubahan iklim

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